Archive for July, 2005

Camouflaging HoneyD

Tuesday, July 26th, 2005

Camouflaging Honeyd: A method for camouflaging honeyd has been released by Bryan Graham and Xinwen Fu:

Singapore HP selected as software development test centre

Saturday, July 23rd, 2005

Honeynet Project Software Testing Centre The Honeynet Project has selected the Singapore Honeynet Project (SIG^2 G-TEC/IWFC Honeynet team) as their official software development test centre. The group will be funded to improve formal software testing methods and to provid a test bed plus testing resources for all Honeynet Project software development over the coming year.

Honeynet Project’s Research Alliance charter updated

Thursday, July 21st, 2005

Honeynet Research Alliance charter updated: the Honeynet Project’s Research Alliance charter has been updated:

USENIX Security Symposium

Monday, July 18th, 2005

14th USENIX Security Symposium WHAT: 14th USENIX Security Symposium
WHEN: July 31-August 5, 2005
WHERE: Baltimore, MD, Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel
WHO: Researchers, System Administrators, Policy Wonks, etc.
WHY: To get to and stay on the cutting edge of computer security
HOW: Register NOW at

Multipot released

Thursday, July 14th, 2005

iDEFENSE Labs Releases Multipot “Authored by David Zimmer, iDEFENSE Labs is releasing Multipot, an open source emulation based honeypot designed to capture malicious code which spreads through various exploits across the net. Multipot is available for download from: Multipot was designed to emulate exploitable services to safely collect malicious code. Further information is available in the bundled install file. Process Stalker and OllyDbg Breakpoint Manager were separately updated to address various bugs. More information regarding the changes is available in the respective bundled archives also available on the iDEFENSE Labs website.” Two similar tools are also being actively developed by researchers from the German Honeynet Project and are available here: Nepenthes: MWcollect: (funded by the Honeynet Project)

PacSec/core05 call for papers

Tuesday, July 12th, 2005

PacSec/core05 call for papers: Dragos Ruiu’s PacSec/core05 conference will be held in Tokyo on November 15/16 and the call for papers has been issued:

Client Honeypot Project announced

Saturday, July 9th, 2005

Client Honeypot Project: The German Honeynet Project has a student working on a client honeypot their thesis statement, supported by the Honeynet Project. The software will be released under the BSD OpenSource license, copyright the Honeynet Project. For more informaiton see:

RAID 2005 call for participation

Wednesday, July 6th, 2005

RAID 2005: Call for Participation: The world’s premier intrustion detection technology forum. Seattle, Washington, USA September 7-9